So I Guess It's My Birthday?

Yesterday I turned 17. WOOHOO the big 17 - an age, which I regard pointless and really unsatisfactory. Nothing happens really, unless you're a dancing queen. However, I am not. And as I wonder around the world as a teenager, searching for my destiny I shall be struggling through my grade 11 year with maths.
However, grade 11 has been pretty good to me, as a prescribed in my new years post.

I'm going off the track profusely.

Anyway, I spent the day relaxing at home and having a good time. The night, Tiyaarah and I had a conjoint birthday celebration (she has the same birthday as I do).
We went to Primi Cavendish - was a pretty fun evening, spending it with friends and having a good laugh.
It was a good time.


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